
Bodichek Wheat Pack 2 Section Rectangle

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Filled with Australian wheat, Bodichek Hot/Cold Wheat Pack can be used for hot and cold applications to provide relief from pain, soreness or swelling. Wrapped in a gentle cotton fabric, this pack conforms to your body's contours. Available in a variety of colours.
Seek advice from a health professional before use
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This Product May Not Be Right For You. Always Read The Label, Warnings And Instructions For Use, Before Purchase. Breast Milk Is Best For Most Babies.

SAFETY WARNINGS WARNING FIRE & BURN HAZARD. DO NOT OVERHEAT – always follow heating instructions. DO NOT USE UNDER BEDDING – may catch fire. DO NOT PLACE INSIDE FABRIC OR CLOTHING – may catch fire. DO NOT USE IF SMELLS OR LOOKS BURNT – allow to cool first then throw away. DO NOT LEAVE PACK UNATTENDED IN MICROWAVE – in case of fire. DO NOT USE DIRECTLY ON SKIN TO AVOID BURNS – use cover or towel between package and skin. DO NOT USE STRAIGHT FROM MICROWAVE IF TOO HOT – allow to cool down first. DO NOT USE PACK ON ONE PART OF THE BODY FOR MORE THAN 5 MINS – continuous heat may burn. USE WITH CAUTION – heat packs can burn skin when used incorrectly and particularly the more delicate skin on children or older people. SUPERVISE children at all times. FOR HEATING - MICROWAVE ONLY; do not use in gas or electric oven. It is NOT RECOMMENDED to add oils or fragrances to the pack – these may increase the risk of fire. NOT RECOMMENDED for people who may have reduced awareness of temperature or feeling in their skin, e.g. diabetics, people with nerve damage, or people with an impairment that prevents them from recognising they may be burnt. IMPORTANT keep instructions with your pack – READ before every use. Care Instructions: Do not wash or wet wheat pack. Sponge outer fabric with a slightly damp cloth. Ensure wheat pack is completely dry before heating. Store in a cool clean environment. DO NOT leave wheat pack in the sun. Dispose of wheat pack completely when worn out, no longer required or shows any signs of burning or degradation.
HEATING INSTRUCTIONS Ensure microwave is clean before use. Step 1. Flatten wheat pack on turntable or bed of the microwave. Step 2. Heat wheat pack on microwave according to the table below. MICROWAVE POWER (WATTS) MAXIMUM HEATING TIME 700 watts 2 minute 30 seconds 1000 watts 1 minute 45 seconds 1200 watts 1 minute 25 seconds Step 3. Allow to cool and remove carefully from microwave using a towel. Step 4. DO NOT reheat wheat pack until it has completely cooled. COOLING INSTRUCTIONS Step 1. Insert Wheat Pack into a plastic bag to place in the freezer for four hours. Step 2. Prior to application, remove wheat pack from the plastic bag. STORAGE: Store wheat pack in a cool clean environment, ideally sealed in a plastic container or plastic bag in the freezer.
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