5 health facts men need to know

5 health facts men need to know
9 June 2021
5 health facts men need to know


    1.Mental Wellness

It’s ok to seek help. Sadly, men take their own lives at four times the rate of women. MensLine Australia is a great resource to help support Australian men who are struggling to deal with a range of issues and offer practical strategies to help navigate through tough situations.  For more information contact 1300 78 99 78 or visit www.mensline.org.au


  1. Sleep

Make some changes to get better quality of sleep. Although often overlooked or ignored, quality sleep is a fundamental building block of achieving and maintaining good health, along with proper nutrition and adequate exercise. On average it is recommended that the average adult needs between 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to feel refreshed. Improve the quality of your sleep by making it a priority and seek general tips and advice from your local Direct Chemist Outlet Pharmacy. Participating stores may also be able to assist with sleep apnoea services.


  1. Drinking

Reduce your consumption. Alcohol use was the leading risk factor contributing to disease burden for males aged between 15-44, reported by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW 2019a). To reduce the risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury, it is recommended that healthy men and women should drink no more than 4 standard drinks on any one day, and no more than 10 standard drinks a week.


  1. Activity

Be active every day. Men aged between 30 and 50 are typically busy with work and family commitments, which can sometimes act as a barrier from achieving the recommended amount of physical activity per day. Research suggests that the 30 minutes of recommended moderate-intensity physical activity can be broken up into two 15 minute blocks to achieve the same health benefits and may potentially fit in with a busy life-style.


  1. Nutrition

Be mindful of your food intake. It’s common for men’s diets to be lacking some essential elements including: vitamin D, magnesium, vitamin B12, potassium and iodine. Get to know your specific nutrition needs for your age group and lifestyle. Use the Australian Dietary Guidelines to assist, or your local Direct Chemist Outlet Pharmacy staff may direct you to accredited dietitian services in the area for further advice.















DISCLAIMER: This material contains general information about medical conditions and treatments and is intended for educational purposes only. It does not constitute medical or professional advice, nor should it be used for the purposes of diagnosing or treating any illness. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, you should consult your local pharmacist or health provider to obtain professional advice relevant to your specific circumstances.