
[Total Time: 0.15981197357178 secs]
SQL [Total: 100 queries]Query Params
2.53msSET NAMES utf8[]
1.41msSELECT `store_website`.* FROM `store_website`[]
3.91msSELECT `store_group`.* FROM `store_group`[]
3.94msSELECT `store`.* FROM `store`[]
2.65msSELECT `flag`.* FROM `flag` WHERE (`flag`.`flag_code`='config_hash')[]
0.83msSELECT `url_rewrite`.* FROM `url_rewrite` WHERE (`request_path` IN ('medicines.html', 'medicines.html/')) AND (`store_id` IN ('1'))[]
0.85msSELECT `url_rewrite`.* FROM `url_rewrite` WHERE (`request_path` IN ('medicines.html', 'medicines.html/')) AND (`store_id` IN ('1'))[]
0.82msSELECT `url_rewrite`.* FROM `url_rewrite` WHERE (`request_path` IN ('catalog/category/view/id/4041', 'catalog/category/view/id/4041/')) AND (`store_id` IN ('1'))[]
0.84msSELECT `url_rewrite`.*, `relation`.* FROM `url_rewrite` LEFT JOIN `catalog_url_rewrite_product_category` AS `relation` ON url_rewrite.url_rewrite_id = relation.url_rewrite_id WHERE (url_rewrite.request_path IN ('4041')) AND (url_rewrite.store_id IN ('1')) AND (relation.category_id IS NULL)[]
0.94msSELECT `main_table`.*, `stores`.`store_id` FROM `amasty_seotoolkit_redirect` AS `main_table` LEFT JOIN `amasty_seotoolkit_redirect_store` AS `stores` ON main_table.redirect_id = stores.redirect_id WHERE (`status` = '1') AND (store_id IN (1, 0)) GROUP BY `main_table`.`redirect_id` ORDER BY priority ASC, redirect_id ASC []
2.67msSELECT `catalog_category_entity`.* FROM `catalog_category_entity` WHERE (entity_id =4041)[]
0.74msSELECT `t`.* FROM `catalog_category_entity` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = 4041)[]
1.78msSELECT `u`.* FROM ( (SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_varchar` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (45, 119, 48, 49, 52, 60, 120, 149, 63, 68, 162, 231)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (46, 70, 71, 69, 53, 54, 232, 150, 151)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_text` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (47, 50, 51, 57, 58, 59, 67, 64)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_datetime` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (61, 62)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_decimal` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (72)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0))) ) AS `u` ORDER BY `store_id` ASC []
0.82msSELECT `catalog_category_entity`.`entity_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') LIMIT 1[]
0.87msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `amasty_meta_config` AS `main_table` WHERE (is_custom = '1') AND ('medicines.html?brand=5701%2C6803' LIKE REPLACE(TRIM("/" FROM custom_url), "*", "%") OR 'medicines.html' LIKE REPLACE(TRIM("/" FROM custom_url), "*", "%")) AND (store_id IN (1, 0)) ORDER BY `store_id` DESC, `priority` DESC []
0.76msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `amasty_meta_config` AS `main_table` WHERE (`store_id` IN(1, 0)) AND (`category_id` IN(2, 1)) AND (`is_custom` = '0')[]
1.15msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `amasty_meta_config` AS `main_table` WHERE (`store_id` IN(1, 0)) AND (`category_id` IN(2, 1)) AND (`is_custom` = '0')[]
0.80msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `amasty_meta_config` AS `main_table` WHERE (`store_id` IN(1, 0)) AND (`category_id` IN(2, 1)) AND (`is_custom` = '0')[]
0.78msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `amasty_meta_config` AS `main_table` WHERE (`store_id` IN(1, 0)) AND (`category_id` IN(2, 1)) AND (`is_custom` = '0')[]
0.77msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `amasty_meta_config` AS `main_table` WHERE (`store_id` IN(1, 0)) AND (`category_id` IN(2, 1)) AND (`is_custom` = '0')[]
1.06msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `amasty_meta_config` AS `main_table` WHERE (`store_id` IN(1, 0)) AND (`category_id` IN(2, 1)) AND (`is_custom` = '0')[]
0.82msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `amasty_meta_config` AS `main_table` WHERE (`store_id` IN(1, 0)) AND (`category_id` IN(2, 1)) AND (`is_custom` = '0')[]
0.75msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `amasty_meta_config` AS `main_table` WHERE (`store_id` IN(1, 0)) AND (`category_id` IN(2, 1)) AND (`is_custom` = '0')[]
3.93msSELECT `e`.*, IF(at_custom_use_parent_settings.value_id > 0, at_custom_use_parent_settings.value, at_custom_use_parent_settings_default.value) AS `custom_use_parent_settings` FROM `catalog_category_entity` AS `e` LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `at_custom_use_parent_settings_default` ON (`at_custom_use_parent_settings_default`.`entity_id` = `e`.`entity_id`) AND (`at_custom_use_parent_settings_default`.`attribute_id` = '70') AND `at_custom_use_parent_settings_default`.`store_id` = 0 LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `at_custom_use_parent_settings` ON (`at_custom_use_parent_settings`.`entity_id` = `e`.`entity_id`) AND (`at_custom_use_parent_settings`.`attribute_id` = '70') AND (`at_custom_use_parent_settings`.`store_id` = 1) WHERE (`e`.`entity_id` IN('4041', '2', '1')) AND (((IF(at_custom_use_parent_settings.value_id > 0, at_custom_use_parent_settings.value, at_custom_use_parent_settings_default.value) = 0) OR (IF(at_custom_use_parent_settings.value_id > 0, at_custom_use_parent_settings.value, at_custom_use_parent_settings_default.value) IS NULL))) AND (`e`.`level` != 0) ORDER BY `e`.`level` DESC []
1.88msSELECT `t_d`.`attribute_id`, `e`.`entity_id`, `t_d`.`value` AS `default_value`, `t_s`.`value` AS `store_value`, IF(t_s.value_id IS NULL, t_d.value, t_s.value) AS `value` FROM `catalog_category_entity_varchar` AS `t_d` INNER JOIN `catalog_category_entity` AS `e` ON e.entity_id = t_d.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_varchar` AS `t_s` ON t_s.attribute_id = t_d.attribute_id AND t_s.entity_id = t_d.entity_id AND t_s.store_id = 1 WHERE (e.entity_id IN (4041, 2)) AND (t_d.attribute_id IN (60, 63, 162)) AND (t_d.store_id = IFNULL(t_s.store_id, 0)) UNION ALL SELECT `t_d`.`attribute_id`, `e`.`entity_id`, `t_d`.`value` AS `default_value`, `t_s`.`value` AS `store_value`, IF(t_s.value_id IS NULL, t_d.value, t_s.value) AS `value` FROM `catalog_category_entity_datetime` AS `t_d` INNER JOIN `catalog_category_entity` AS `e` ON e.entity_id = t_d.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_datetime` AS `t_s` ON t_s.attribute_id = t_d.attribute_id AND t_s.entity_id = t_d.entity_id AND t_s.store_id = 1 WHERE (e.entity_id IN (4041, 2)) AND (t_d.attribute_id IN (61, 62)) AND (t_d.store_id = IFNULL(t_s.store_id, 0)) UNION ALL SELECT `t_d`.`attribute_id`, `e`.`entity_id`, `t_d`.`value` AS `default_value`, `t_s`.`value` AS `store_value`, IF(t_s.value_id IS NULL, t_d.value, t_s.value) AS `value` FROM `catalog_category_entity_text` AS `t_d` INNER JOIN `catalog_category_entity` AS `e` ON e.entity_id = t_d.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_text` AS `t_s` ON t_s.attribute_id = t_d.attribute_id AND t_s.entity_id = t_d.entity_id AND t_s.store_id = 1 WHERE (e.entity_id IN (4041, 2)) AND (t_d.attribute_id IN (64)) AND (t_d.store_id = IFNULL(t_s.store_id, 0)) UNION ALL SELECT `t_d`.`attribute_id`, `e`.`entity_id`, `t_d`.`value` AS `default_value`, `t_s`.`value` AS `store_value`, IF(t_s.value_id IS NULL, t_d.value, t_s.value) AS `value` FROM `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `t_d` INNER JOIN `catalog_category_entity` AS `e` ON e.entity_id = t_d.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `t_s` ON t_s.attribute_id = t_d.attribute_id AND t_s.entity_id = t_d.entity_id AND t_s.store_id = 1 WHERE (e.entity_id IN (4041, 2)) AND (t_d.attribute_id IN (71)) AND (t_d.store_id = IFNULL(t_s.store_id, 0))[]
3.43msSELECT COUNT(m.entity_id) FROM `catalog_category_entity` AS `m` LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `d` ON d.attribute_id = :attribute_id AND d.store_id = 0 AND d.entity_id = m.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `c` ON c.attribute_id = :attribute_id AND c.store_id = :store_id AND c.entity_id = m.entity_id WHERE (m.path LIKE :c_path) AND (IF(c.value_id > 0, c.value, d.value) = :active_flag){":attribute_id":46,":store_id":"1",":active_flag":true,":c_path":"1\/2\/4041\/%"}
1.86msSELECT COUNT(m.entity_id) FROM `catalog_category_entity` AS `m` LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `d` ON d.attribute_id = :attribute_id AND d.store_id = 0 AND d.entity_id = m.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `c` ON c.attribute_id = :attribute_id AND c.store_id = :store_id AND c.entity_id = m.entity_id WHERE (m.path LIKE :c_path) AND (IF(c.value_id > 0, c.value, d.value) = :active_flag){":attribute_id":46,":store_id":"1",":active_flag":true,":c_path":"1\/2\/4041\/%"}
1.06msSELECT `setup_module`.* FROM `setup_module`[]
0.97msSELECT `url_rewrite`.* FROM `url_rewrite` WHERE (`entity_id` IN ('4041')) AND (`entity_type` IN ('category')) AND (`store_id` IN (1))[]
1.02msSELECT `e`.*, IF(at_is_active.value_id > 0, at_is_active.value, at_is_active_default.value) AS `is_active` FROM `catalog_category_entity` AS `e` LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `at_is_active_default` ON (`at_is_active_default`.`entity_id` = `e`.`entity_id`) AND (`at_is_active_default`.`attribute_id` = '46') AND `at_is_active_default`.`store_id` = 0 LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `at_is_active` ON (`at_is_active`.`entity_id` = `e`.`entity_id`) AND (`at_is_active`.`attribute_id` = '46') AND (`at_is_active`.`store_id` = 1) WHERE (`e`.`entity_id` IN('4041')) AND (IF(at_is_active.value_id > 0, at_is_active.value, at_is_active_default.value) = '1')[]
1.05msSELECT `t_d`.`attribute_id`, `e`.`entity_id`, `t_d`.`value` AS `default_value`, `t_s`.`value` AS `store_value`, IF(t_s.value_id IS NULL, t_d.value, t_s.value) AS `value` FROM `catalog_category_entity_varchar` AS `t_d` INNER JOIN `catalog_category_entity` AS `e` ON e.entity_id = t_d.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_category_entity_varchar` AS `t_s` ON t_s.attribute_id = t_d.attribute_id AND t_s.entity_id = t_d.entity_id AND t_s.store_id = 1 WHERE (e.entity_id IN (4041)) AND (t_d.attribute_id IN (45, 119)) AND (t_d.store_id = IFNULL(t_s.store_id, 0))[]
1.46msSELECT `main_table`.`entity_type_id`, `main_table`.`attribute_code`, `main_table`.`attribute_model`, `main_table`.`backend_model`, `main_table`.`backend_type`, `main_table`.`backend_table`, `main_table`.`frontend_model`, `main_table`.`frontend_input`, `main_table`.`frontend_label`, `main_table`.`frontend_class`, `main_table`.`source_model`, `main_table`.`is_required`, `main_table`.`is_user_defined`, `main_table`.`default_value`, `main_table`.`is_unique`, `main_table`.`note`, `additional_table`.*, IFNULL(al.value, main_table.frontend_label) AS `store_label` FROM `eav_attribute` AS `main_table` INNER JOIN `catalog_eav_attribute` AS `additional_table` ON additional_table.attribute_id = main_table.attribute_id LEFT JOIN `eav_attribute_label` AS `al` ON al.attribute_id = main_table.attribute_id AND al.store_id = 1 WHERE (main_table.entity_type_id = 4) AND (`additional_table`.`is_filterable` > 0) ORDER BY position ASC, attribute_code ASC []
0.90msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `amasty_amshopby_filter_setting` AS `main_table` WHERE (`attribute_code` IN('category_ids', 'brand', 'color', 'manufacturer', 'price'))[]
0.74msSELECT `amasty_amshopby_filter_setting`.* FROM `amasty_amshopby_filter_setting` WHERE (`amasty_amshopby_filter_setting`.`setting_id`='manufacturer')[]
0.86msSELECT `url_rewrite`.* FROM `url_rewrite` WHERE (`request_path` IN ('medicines.html', 'medicines.html/')) AND (`store_id` IN (1)) AND (`entity_type` IN ('category')) AND (`entity_id` IN (4041))[]
0.83msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `amasty_amshopby_filter_setting` AS `main_table` WHERE (((`is_seo_significant` = '1'))) AND ((`attribute_code` != 'category_ids') OR (`is_multiselect` = 1))[]
3.60msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `amasty_amshopby_page` AS `main_table` INNER JOIN `amasty_amshopby_page_store` AS `store_table` ON main_table.page_id = store_table.page_id WHERE (((FIND_IN_SET('4041', `categories`)) OR (`categories` = 0) OR (`categories` IS NULL))) AND (store_table.store_id IN(1, 0)) GROUP BY `main_table`.`page_id`[]
1.73msSELECT COUNT(DISTINCT main_table.page_id) FROM `amasty_amshopby_page` AS `main_table` INNER JOIN `amasty_amshopby_page_store` AS `store_table` ON main_table.page_id = store_table.page_id WHERE (((FIND_IN_SET('4041', `categories`)) OR (`categories` = 0) OR (`categories` IS NULL))) AND (store_table.store_id IN(1, 0))[]
1.20msSELECT `main_table`.*, `tdv`.`value` AS `default_value`, `tsv`.`value` AS `store_default_value`, IF(tsv.value_id > 0, tsv.value, tdv.value) AS `value` FROM `eav_attribute_option` AS `main_table` INNER JOIN `eav_attribute_option_value` AS `tdv` ON tdv.option_id = main_table.option_id LEFT JOIN `eav_attribute_option_value` AS `tsv` ON tsv.option_id = main_table.option_id AND tsv.store_id = '1' WHERE (`main_table`.`attribute_id` = '168') AND (`main_table`.`option_id` IN('5701')) AND (tdv.store_id = 0) ORDER BY main_table.sort_order ASC, value ASC []
1.52msSELECT `main_table`.*, `tdv`.`value` AS `default_value`, `tsv`.`value` AS `store_default_value`, IF(tsv.value_id > 0, tsv.value, tdv.value) AS `value` FROM `eav_attribute_option` AS `main_table` INNER JOIN `eav_attribute_option_value` AS `tdv` ON tdv.option_id = main_table.option_id LEFT JOIN `eav_attribute_option_value` AS `tsv` ON tsv.option_id = main_table.option_id AND tsv.store_id = '1' WHERE (`main_table`.`attribute_id` = '168') AND (`main_table`.`option_id` IN('6803')) AND (tdv.store_id = 0) ORDER BY main_table.sort_order ASC, value ASC []
0.93msSELECT `catalog_category_entity`.* FROM `catalog_category_entity` WHERE (entity_id ='4041')[]
0.79msSELECT `t`.* FROM `catalog_category_entity` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041')[]
1.85msSELECT `u`.* FROM ( (SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_varchar` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (45, 119, 48, 49, 52, 60, 120, 149, 63, 68, 162, 231)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (46, 70, 71, 69, 53, 54, 232, 150, 151)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_text` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (47, 50, 51, 57, 58, 59, 67, 64)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_datetime` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (61, 62)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_decimal` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (72)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0))) ) AS `u` ORDER BY `store_id` ASC []
0.97msSELECT `catalog_category_entity`.`entity_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') LIMIT 1[]
1.09msSELECT `catalog_category_entity`.* FROM `catalog_category_entity` WHERE (entity_id ='4041')[]
3.18msSELECT `t`.* FROM `catalog_category_entity` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041')[]
1.71msSELECT `u`.* FROM ( (SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_varchar` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (45, 119, 48, 49, 52, 60, 120, 149, 63, 68, 162, 231)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (46, 70, 71, 69, 53, 54, 232, 150, 151)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_text` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (47, 50, 51, 57, 58, 59, 67, 64)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_datetime` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (61, 62)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_decimal` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (72)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0))) ) AS `u` ORDER BY `store_id` ASC []
0.71msSELECT `catalog_category_entity`.`entity_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') LIMIT 1[]
0.99msSELECT `catalog_category_entity`.* FROM `catalog_category_entity` WHERE (entity_id ='4041')[]
0.70msSELECT `t`.* FROM `catalog_category_entity` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041')[]
1.68msSELECT `u`.* FROM ( (SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_varchar` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (45, 119, 48, 49, 52, 60, 120, 149, 63, 68, 162, 231)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_int` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (46, 70, 71, 69, 53, 54, 232, 150, 151)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_text` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (47, 50, 51, 57, 58, 59, 67, 64)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_datetime` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (61, 62)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0)))UNION ALL(SELECT `t`.`value`, `t`.`attribute_id`, `t`.`store_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity_decimal` AS `t` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') AND (attribute_id IN (72)) AND (`store_id` IN ('1', 0))) ) AS `u` ORDER BY `store_id` ASC []
0.70msSELECT `catalog_category_entity`.`entity_id` FROM `catalog_category_entity` WHERE (entity_id = '4041') LIMIT 1[]
21.11msSELECT CONCAT(backend.store_id, '-', backend.entity_id), `backend`.`value` FROM `catalog_category_entity_varchar` AS `backend` INNER JOIN `catalog_category_entity` AS `category` ON backend.entity_id = category.entity_id WHERE (backend.attribute_id = '45') AND (category.level > 1)[]
1.13msSELECT `main_table`.`consent_id`, `main_table`.`name`, `main_table`.`consent_code`, IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`is_enabled`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`is_enabled`) AS `is_enabled`, IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`is_required`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`is_required`) AS `is_required`, IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`log_the_consent`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`log_the_consent`) AS `log_the_consent`, IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`hide_the_consent_after_user_left_the_consent`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`hide_the_consent_after_user_left_the_consent`) AS `hide_the_consent_after_user_left_the_consent`, IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`consent_location`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`consent_location`) AS `consent_location`, IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`link_type`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`link_type`) AS `link_type`, IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`cms_page_id`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`cms_page_id`) AS `cms_page_id`, IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`consent_text`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`consent_text`) AS `consent_text`, IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`countries`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`countries`) AS `countries`, IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`visibility`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`visibility`) AS `visibility`, IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`sort_order`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`sort_order`) AS `sort_order` FROM `amasty_gdpr_consents` AS `main_table` LEFT JOIN `amasty_gdpr_consents_scope` ON (main_table.consent_id = amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.consent_entity_id AND amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.store_id = 1) INNER JOIN `amasty_gdpr_consents_scope` AS `amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default` ON main_table.consent_id = amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.consent_entity_id WHERE (`amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default`.`store_id` = '0') AND (IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`is_enabled`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`is_enabled`) = '1') AND (IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`hide_the_consent_after_user_left_the_consent`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`hide_the_consent_after_user_left_the_consent`) = '1') ORDER BY IFNULL(amasty_gdpr_consents_scope.`sort_order`, amasty_gdpr_consents_scope_default.`sort_order`) ASC []
1.05msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `checkout_agreement` AS `main_table` INNER JOIN `checkout_agreement_store` AS `store_table_1` ON main_table.agreement_id = store_table_1.agreement_id WHERE (store_table_1.store_id IN ('1', 0)) AND ((`is_active` = 1)) GROUP BY `main_table`.`agreement_id`[]
0.86msSELECT `cms_block`.`block_id` FROM `cms_block` INNER JOIN `cms_block_store` AS `cbs` ON cms_block.block_id = cbs.block_id WHERE (`cms_block`.`identifier`='store-link') AND (is_active = 1) AND (cbs.store_id in (1, 0)) ORDER BY `store_id` DESC LIMIT 1[]
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0.68msSELECT `eav_entity_type`.`additional_attribute_table` FROM `eav_entity_type` WHERE (entity_type_id = :entity_type_id){":entity_type_id":"4"}
0.71msSELECT `catalog_eav_attribute`.* FROM `catalog_eav_attribute` WHERE (attribute_id = :attribute_id){":attribute_id":"168"}
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0.73msSELECT `eav_attribute`.* FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE (`eav_attribute`.`attribute_code`='am_is_new') AND (entity_type_id = :entity_type_id){":entity_type_id":4}
0.68msSELECT `eav_attribute`.* FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE (`eav_attribute`.`attribute_code`='entity_id') AND (entity_type_id = :entity_type_id){":entity_type_id":4}
0.68msSELECT `eav_attribute`.* FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE (`eav_attribute`.`attribute_code`='row_id') AND (entity_type_id = :entity_type_id){":entity_type_id":4}
0.84msSELECT `eav_attribute`.* FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE (`eav_attribute`.`attribute_code`='manufacturer') AND (entity_type_id = :entity_type_id){":entity_type_id":4}
0.71msSELECT `catalog_eav_attribute`.* FROM `catalog_eav_attribute` WHERE (attribute_id = :attribute_id){":attribute_id":"83"}
0.77msSELECT `eav_attribute`.* FROM `eav_attribute` WHERE (`eav_attribute`.`attribute_code`='color') AND (entity_type_id = :entity_type_id){":entity_type_id":4}
0.69msSELECT `catalog_eav_attribute`.* FROM `catalog_eav_attribute` WHERE (attribute_id = :attribute_id){":attribute_id":"93"}
1.54msSELECT `url_rewrite`.* FROM `url_rewrite` WHERE (`request_path` IN ('medicines.html', 'medicines.html/')) AND (`store_id` IN (1)) AND (`entity_type` IN ('category')) AND (`entity_id` IN (4041))[]
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0.78msSELECT `cbs`.`store_id` FROM `cms_block_store` AS `cbs` INNER JOIN `cms_block` AS `cb` ON cbs.block_id = cb.block_id WHERE (cb.block_id = :block_id){":block_id":18}
0.93msSELECT `cms_block`.`block_id` FROM `cms_block` INNER JOIN `cms_block_store` AS `cbs` ON cms_block.block_id = cbs.block_id WHERE (`cms_block`.`identifier`='footer_main') AND (is_active = 1) AND (cbs.store_id in (1, 0)) ORDER BY `store_id` DESC LIMIT 1[]
0.74msSELECT `t`.* FROM `cms_block` AS `t` WHERE (block_id = '1')[]
2.08msSELECT `cbs`.`store_id` FROM `cms_block_store` AS `cbs` INNER JOIN `cms_block` AS `cb` ON cbs.block_id = cb.block_id WHERE (cb.block_id = :block_id){":block_id":1}
0.93msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `mageplaza_bannerslider_slider` AS `main_table` WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(0, `customer_group_ids`)) AND (`status` = '1') AND (FIND_IN_SET(0, store_ids) OR FIND_IN_SET('1', store_ids)) AND (from_date is null OR from_date <= '2024-05-03 08:40:52') AND (to_date is null OR to_date >= '2024-05-03 08:40:52') ORDER BY priority DESC []
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3.27msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `amasty_banner_rule` AS `main_table` WHERE (((`from_date` IS NULL) OR (`from_date` <= '2024-05-03 18:40:52'))) AND (((`to_date` IS NULL) OR (`to_date` >= '2024-05-03 18:40:52'))) AND (((`cust_groups` = '') OR (FIND_IN_SET(0, `cust_groups`)))) AND (((`stores` = '') OR (FIND_IN_SET(1, `stores`)))) AND (`is_active` = '1') AND (`banner_position` != '') AND (((`cats` = '') OR (FIND_IN_SET(4041, `cats`)))) ORDER BY sort_order DESC []
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0.90msSELECT `main_table`.* FROM `mageplaza_bannerslider_slider` AS `main_table` WHERE (FIND_IN_SET(0, `customer_group_ids`)) AND (`status` = '1') AND (FIND_IN_SET(0, store_ids) OR FIND_IN_SET('1', store_ids)) AND (from_date is null OR from_date <= '2024-05-03 08:40:52') AND (to_date is null OR to_date >= '2024-05-03 08:40:52') ORDER BY priority DESC []
1.72msSELECT `inventory_stock_sales_channel`.`stock_id` FROM `inventory_stock_sales_channel` WHERE (type = 'website') AND (code = 'directchemistoutlet')[]
0.71msSELECT `inventory_stock`.* FROM `inventory_stock` WHERE (`inventory_stock`.`stock_id`=2)[]
0.72msSELECT `inventory_stock_sales_channel`.* FROM `inventory_stock_sales_channel` WHERE (stock_id = 2)[]
1.30msSELECT `e`.*, `price_index`.`price`, `price_index`.`tax_class_id`, `price_index`.`final_price`, IF(price_index.tier_price IS NOT NULL, LEAST(price_index.min_price, price_index.tier_price), price_index.min_price) AS `minimal_price`, `price_index`.`min_price`, `price_index`.`max_price`, `price_index`.`tier_price`, IFNULL(review_summary.reviews_count, 0) AS `reviews_count`, IFNULL(review_summary.rating_summary, 0) AS `rating_summary`, `stock_status_index`.`is_salable` FROM `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_price` AS `price_index` ON price_index.entity_id = e.entity_id AND price_index.customer_group_id = 0 AND price_index.website_id = '1' LEFT JOIN `review_entity_summary` AS `review_summary` ON e.entity_id = review_summary.entity_pk_value AND review_summary.store_id = 1 AND review_summary.entity_type = (SELECT `review_entity`.`entity_id` FROM `review_entity` WHERE (entity_code = 'product')) INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity` AS `product` ON product.entity_id = e.entity_id LEFT JOIN `inventory_stock_2` AS `stock_status_index` ON product.sku = stock_status_index.sku WHERE (e.entity_id IN (5684, 5686, 35765)) ORDER BY FIELD(e.entity_id,5684,5686,35765) []
4.92msSELECT `t_d`.`attribute_id`, `e`.`entity_id`, `t_d`.`value` AS `default_value`, `t_s`.`value` AS `store_value`, IF(t_s.value_id IS NULL, t_d.value, t_s.value) AS `value` FROM `catalog_product_entity_varchar` AS `t_d` INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` ON e.entity_id = t_d.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_varchar` AS `t_s` ON t_s.attribute_id = t_d.attribute_id AND t_s.entity_id = t_d.entity_id AND t_s.store_id = 1 WHERE (e.entity_id IN (5684, 5686, 35765)) AND (t_d.attribute_id IN (73, 87, 88, 89, 109, 110, 111, 118, 121, 133, 200, 210, 215, 220, 221, 222)) AND (t_d.store_id = IFNULL(t_s.store_id, 0)) UNION ALL SELECT `t_d`.`attribute_id`, `e`.`entity_id`, `t_d`.`value` AS `default_value`, `t_s`.`value` AS `store_value`, IF(t_s.value_id IS NULL, t_d.value, t_s.value) AS `value` FROM `catalog_product_entity_text` AS `t_d` INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` ON e.entity_id = t_d.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_text` AS `t_s` ON t_s.attribute_id = t_d.attribute_id AND t_s.entity_id = t_d.entity_id AND t_s.store_id = 1 WHERE (e.entity_id IN (5684, 5686, 35765)) AND (t_d.attribute_id IN (76, 185)) AND (t_d.store_id = IFNULL(t_s.store_id, 0)) UNION ALL SELECT `t_d`.`attribute_id`, `e`.`entity_id`, `t_d`.`value` AS `default_value`, `t_s`.`value` AS `store_value`, IF(t_s.value_id IS NULL, t_d.value, t_s.value) AS `value` FROM `catalog_product_entity_decimal` AS `t_d` INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` ON e.entity_id = t_d.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_decimal` AS `t_s` ON t_s.attribute_id = t_d.attribute_id AND t_s.entity_id = t_d.entity_id AND t_s.store_id = 1 WHERE (e.entity_id IN (5684, 5686, 35765)) AND (t_d.attribute_id IN (78, 117, 137, 138, 177, 178, 179, 205, 211, 212, 213, 214, 227)) AND (t_d.store_id = IFNULL(t_s.store_id, 0)) UNION ALL SELECT `t_d`.`attribute_id`, `e`.`entity_id`, `t_d`.`value` AS `default_value`, `t_s`.`value` AS `store_value`, IF(t_s.value_id IS NULL, t_d.value, t_s.value) AS `value` FROM `catalog_product_entity_datetime` AS `t_d` INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` ON e.entity_id = t_d.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_datetime` AS `t_s` ON t_s.attribute_id = t_d.attribute_id AND t_s.entity_id = t_d.entity_id AND t_s.store_id = 1 WHERE (e.entity_id IN (5684, 5686, 35765)) AND (t_d.attribute_id IN (79, 80, 94, 95, 223, 224, 228, 229)) AND (t_d.store_id = IFNULL(t_s.store_id, 0)) UNION ALL SELECT `t_d`.`attribute_id`, `e`.`entity_id`, `t_d`.`value` AS `default_value`, `t_s`.`value` AS `store_value`, IF(t_s.value_id IS NULL, t_d.value, t_s.value) AS `value` FROM `catalog_product_entity_int` AS `t_d` INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity` AS `e` ON e.entity_id = t_d.entity_id LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_int` AS `t_s` ON t_s.attribute_id = t_d.attribute_id AND t_s.entity_id = t_d.entity_id AND t_s.store_id = 1 WHERE (e.entity_id IN (5684, 5686, 35765)) AND (t_d.attribute_id IN (97, 123, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 134, 136, 148, 152, 176, 225, 235)) AND (t_d.store_id = IFNULL(t_s.store_id, 0))[]
0.93msSELECT `url_rewrite`.*, `relation`.* FROM `url_rewrite` LEFT JOIN `catalog_url_rewrite_product_category` AS `relation` ON url_rewrite.url_rewrite_id = relation.url_rewrite_id WHERE (url_rewrite.entity_type IN ('product')) AND (url_rewrite.entity_id IN ('5684', '5686', '35765')) AND (url_rewrite.store_id IN (1)) AND (url_rewrite.is_autogenerated IN (1)) AND (relation.category_id = '4041')[]
0.91msSELECT `url_rewrite`.*, `relation`.* FROM `url_rewrite` LEFT JOIN `catalog_url_rewrite_product_category` AS `relation` ON url_rewrite.url_rewrite_id = relation.url_rewrite_id WHERE (url_rewrite.entity_type IN ('product')) AND (url_rewrite.entity_id IN (5684, 5686, 35765)) AND (url_rewrite.store_id IN (1)) AND (url_rewrite.is_autogenerated IN (1)) AND (relation.category_id IS NULL)[]
0.85msSELECT `url_rewrite`.*, `relation`.* FROM `url_rewrite` LEFT JOIN `catalog_url_rewrite_product_category` AS `relation` ON url_rewrite.url_rewrite_id = relation.url_rewrite_id WHERE (url_rewrite.entity_type IN ('category')) AND (url_rewrite.entity_id IN ('4041')) AND (url_rewrite.store_id IN (1)) AND (url_rewrite.is_autogenerated IN (1)) AND (relation.category_id IS NULL)[]
1.11msSELECT `main_table`.`id`, `main_table`.`name`, IFNULL(store_table.`description`, main_table.`description`) AS `description`, IFNULL(store_table.`is_enabled`, main_table.`is_enabled`) AS `is_enabled`, `main_table`.`provider`, `main_table`.`type`, IFNULL(store_table.`lifetime`, main_table.`lifetime`) AS `lifetime`, IFNULL(store_table.`group_id`, main_table.`group_id`) AS `group_id`, IFNULL(, "None") AS `group` FROM `amasty_gdprcookie_cookie` AS `main_table` LEFT JOIN `amasty_gdprcookie_cookie_store_data` AS `store_table` ON = store_table.cookie_id AND store_table.store_id = 1 LEFT JOIN `amasty_gdprcookie_group` AS `groups` ON main_table.group_id = WHERE (IFNULL(store_table.`is_enabled`, main_table.`is_enabled`) = 1) AND (`groups`.`is_essential` = 1) ORDER BY ASC []